They say you can have anything you want, if you dress for it.
We want a more sustainable future for the planet.
So what are we waiting for?

It’s time to
Fashion for Earth

A soft, breathable, eco-friendly t-shirt from R | Elan™
GreenGold technology.
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 38%
Saves 1414 litres of water
Created from fabric produced from recycled PET bottles
collected by R | Elan™

A new chapter in
‘Fashion for Earth’ by
R | Elan™
In its second edition, this year’s #EarthTee design has emerged from a collaboration between R | Elan™, Lakme Fashion Week and Yavi – the R | Elan™ Elle Graduate Winner 2019. This highest voted design adorned with concentric circles signifies the economic and environmental benefits of recycling and repurposing materials. The colors have been borrowed from nature, aiming to soothe the senses.

Imagined with the future,
designed by YAVI,
voted by you.
Designed exclusively for R | Elan™ by the 2019 R | Elan™ Elle Graduate Winner, Yavi, Earth Tee 2 is brought to you with the collaboration of the best minds in fashion. We believe that fashion can do more than just look good, it can also save the earth. The winning design was chosen from an array of inspiring concepts, voted in by popular choice.

It’s fashion that looks good for the Earth
Wear It, Style it, Gift it, Love it
Born from careful consideration for both man and environment, from the first thread to the final product, the #EarthTee has been designed to comfort every fit and style diverse ensembles. If there’s one wardrobe choice you can make today, make it look good for the earth.

Share your love for the earth with #EarthTee
Join fashion with a conscience.
Style your eco-friendly t-shirt and share your picture with the hashtag #EarthTee on
Learn how to plant your Earth Tee Seed Paper Tag
For queries, write to

Plant your #EarthTee seed tag in 3 simple steps
Sow the plantable tag in a pot of soil.
Water the soil moderately and keep it moist for a few days.
Watch your plant germinate and grow into a new sapling for the planet.